


by Verna (22-S-5)


The window-displays of women's shoestores and de- partment stores had held a fascination for me since I was nine years old. A secret, and overwhelming desire to own a pair of high-heeled, black kid boots had been limited to cutting illustrations from femme magazines pictures which had to be hidden and taken out at rare intervals, in solitude, to be avidly gazed at and admired. This was about to be suggested and given a new twist by an odd quirk of "fate".

I became interested in single-footed femmes when a young woman was sent to camp to recuperate from the amputation of her left foot. A clumsy ankle dis- articu- lation which would necessitate a later, higher re-ampu- tation. Though she was at camp for three weeks I didn't see a great deal of her except at mealtime. She stayed pretty much to herself, brooding, I'm afraid.

There was something about the swinging manner of her locomotion that excited responses deep inside me as her brown oxford stepped along. I borrowed the camp crutches and had them in my little shack for my new experiment. What I needed now was a pair of women's shoes. I didn't dare borrow a pair of Mother's, which I had often worn at home when alone. thirteen I was about to become the proud owner of a pair of laced boots, or 'high-tops' as they were popularly known.

I was sent to the dry-goods store, in the small town